Assistant of the Department of Biophysical Chemistry and Nanobiotechnologies


  • Graduated from Donetsk National University, specialty “Biochemistry”, obtained a master’s degree in biochemistry, teacher (2011).
  • Teaches physical chemistry, reactive oxygen species, chemistry of natural compounds.

Research interests

Research interests include the study of the hydrogen atom abstraction reaction by different structure imide‑N‑oxyl radicals from C–H bonds of p-substituted benzyl alcohols, determination of polyphenols antioxidant activity, kinetics study of oxidation of dyes in the presence of laccase and N‑hydroxyimides as mediators.

Research Projects

Proton-coupled electron transferin homolytic reactions of phenols in aqueous and aqueous-organic media, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2017-2019)

Scientometric databases

Scientific publications

  1. Kushch O. V. Hordieieva I. O., Zosenko O. O., Shendrik A. N. Comparison of N‑Hydroxy Compounds as Mediators in Laccase‐Catalysed Decolorization of Indigo Carmine. ChemistrySelect. 2019. Vol. No 13. P. 3905–3913. DOI:10.1002/slct.201803811
  2. Kushch O. V., Hordieieva I. O., Novikova K. V., Litvinov Y. E., Kompanets M. O., Shendrik A. N. , Opeida I. A. Kinetiсs of N‑oxyl radicals’ decay. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 85. No 11. P. 7112–7124. DOI: 1021/acs.joc.0c00506