Мельниченко Василь Іванович


Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysical Chemistry and Nanobiotechnologies,

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor


  • Graduated from Lviv State University. I. Franko, majoring in Chemistry.
  • Defended dissertation on “Study of the kinetics of free radical polymerization of styrene using mathematical modeling” and received the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences in specialty 02.00.04 “Physical Chemistry” (1976).
  • Received the title of senior researcher in 1981 and associate professor in 1984.
  • Teaches students of the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology physical chemistry, applied colloid and electrochemistry, as well as disciplines related to polymeric materials, their synthesis, structure, properties, application and disposal. 

Scientometric databases

Scientific publications

  1. Polymery na osnovi ftorakrylativ. Monograph. V.I. Melnychenko, K.I. Manko. O.M. Chendryk. [Polymers based on fluoroacrylates]. Vinnytsia: Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. 2018. 114 p. (in Ukrainian). https://jmonographs.donnu.edu.ua/issue/view/312
  2. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model, № 91059. Polymer composition that reduces hydrodynamic resistance. Manko K.I., Dmytrenko M/O/, Aslanov P.V., (Mykhal’chuk V.M., Melnychenko V.I. Application № u2013 13286 dated 15.11.2013, IPC C08K 5/00, date of publication 25.06.2014, Bull. № 12. 5 p. (in Ukrainian). https://uapatents.com/5-91059-polimerna-kompoziciya-shho-zmenshueh-gidrodinamichnijj-opir.html
  3. Batig S.M., Melnychenko V.I. Kinetic parameters of copolymerization of methyl methacrylate with methacrylic acid in the presence of solvents of different polarity. Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series A. Natural sciences. 2014. № 1. P. 140–143. http://jvestnik-a.donnu.edu.ua/article/download/44/48 (in Russian).
  4. Bovkunenko O.P., Melnychenko V.I. Physical chemistry of elastomers: textbook. manual for students of chemistry. fac. specialization “Physical chemistry”. Donetsk: DonNU, 2011.122 p. (in Russian).
  5. Bovkunenko O.P., Melnychenko V.I. Ecological problems of synthesis and processing of polymers: textbook. manual. Donetsk: DonNU, 2010.85 p. (in Russian).
  6. Bovkunenko O.P., Melnychenko V.I. Macromolecular compounds: textbook. manual. Donetsk: DonNU, 2009.127 p. (in Ukrainian).
  7. Manko K.I., Zajtseva V. V., Melnychenko V. I., Bovkunenko O. P. Structure ot geteroassociates in mixtures of fluorinmethacrylates with a metylmethacrylate TGT. Journal of physical chemistry. 2009. 83, N 7. P. 1271–1274. https:/doi.org/10.1134/S 0036024409070140  (in Russian).
  8. I. Melnychenko, K. I. Manko. Physicochemical properties of copolymers based on fluoroalkyl acrylates and methyl methacrylate. Bulletin of the Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus. A series of chemistry sciences. 2017.Vol. 1, No. 1. P. 19–24. http://jvestnik-chemistry.donnu.edu.ua/article/download/4960/4994 (in Russian).