Oleksandr SHENDRYK



Dean of the Department of Biophysical Chemistry and Nanobiotechnologies,

Professor of the Department of Biophysical Chemistry and Nanobiotechnologies,

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor


Educational Background

1996 – D.Sc., Physical Chemistry, The L.M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry, NAS Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine;

1979 – Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, The L.M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry, NAS Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine;

1973 – M. Sc. Chemistry, Donetsk State University, Chemist, lecturer, Donetsk, Ukraine.


Professional Experience

1978–1998: Research Chemist, Senior Scientist, Leading Scientist, The L.M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry, NAS Ukraine, Donetsk;

1998–2001: Full Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Donetsk National University, Donetsk;

2001– 2019: Head of the Department of Biochemistry (Department of Biophysical Chemistry and Nanobiotechnology since 2019), Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Vinnitsa;

2002 – present: Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry (Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology since 2019), Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Vinnitsa;

2012–2015: Member of the Advisory Council for Natural and Mathematical Sciences of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine;

2001–2015: Member of editorial board of Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series A: Natural Sciences;

2016 – present: Editor-in-chief of Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Series Chemistry;

2019 – present: Еxpert of the “chemistry” section of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Certificates, Honorary titles and awards

2019 – Honored Professor of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National Uniersity;

2018 – Honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology”;

2012 – Badge Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “For scientific achievements”;

2001– Academic Title “Professor”, Biochemistry;

1988 –  Academic Title “Senior Researcher”, Physical Chemistry.

Research Interests

Free radical and chain radical reactions of the oxidation in aquatic media, mechanisms, kinetics, reactivity; Oxidative processes catalysed by the oxidoreductases; Сhemiluminescence in non-adiabatic radical reactions; Activators and Mechanisms of triplet oxygen reduction reactions in water media; Antioxidants.

Grant activity, Head

  1. Proton-coupled electron transferin homolytic reactions of phenols in aqueous and aqueous-organic media, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, (2017-2019).
  2. The Laccase-mediator oxidation systems. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, (2014-2016).
  3. Spin-forbidden reactions of phenols and semiquinones with oxygen. The efficiency of transphase catalysts depending on the distribution between phases, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, (2011-2013).
  4. Direct-acting antioxidants and their anti-radical activity in aquatic environments, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, (2008-2010).
  5. Intermediates of transphase acylation and electron transfer reactions to molecular oxygen, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, (2005-2007).
  6. Kinetics and mechanism of interphase-catalytic hydrolysis process with a branched catalytic cycle, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, (2002-2004).

Author profiles

Latest publications

  1. Kushch Olga, Hordieieva Iryna, Novikova Katerina, Litvinov Yurii, Kompanets Mykhailo, Shendrik Alexander, Opeida Iosip. Kinetics of N-oxyl Radicals’ Decay. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2020, 85, 11, 7112–7124. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.9b02283
  2. Opeida Iosyp O., Kushch Olga V., Kompanets Mykhailo O., Litvinov Yurii E., Zosenko Olha O., Shendrik Alexander N. The Oxidative Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers in the Presence of N ‐Hydroxyphthalimide. ChemistrySelect, Wiley, 2019, 4, 40, 11826-11832. https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.201902597
  3. Kushch Olga V., O. Iryna, Zosenko Olha O., Shendrik Alexander N. Comparison of N‐Hydroxy Compounds as Mediators in Laccase‐Catalysed Decolorization of Indigo Carmine. ChemistrySelect, Wiley, 2019, 4, 13, p. 3905-3913. https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.201803811
  4. Opeida I. A., Litvinov Yu. E., Kushch O. V., Kompanets M. A., Shendrik A. N., Matvienko A. G., Novokhatko A. A. Rate constants and isotope effects for the reaction of H-atom abstraction from RH substrates by PINO radicals. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0036024416110194 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Pleiades Publishing Ltd, 2016, 90, p. 2142–2149.
  5. Odaryuk V. V., Burakov N. I., Kanibolotskaya L. V., Kanibolotskii A. L., Odaryuk I. D., Lebedeva N. Yu., Poddubnaya E. N., Shendrik A. N. Synthesis and Antiradical and Antibacterial Activity of 4-(3′,4′-Dihydroxyphenyl)Thiazole Derivatives. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015, 49, p. 96–98. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11094-015-1229-5
  6. Оdaryuk V. V., Khlestov N. M., Burakov N. I., Kanibolotskaya L. V., Odaryuk I. D., Shendrik A. N. Antiradical activity of 2-substituted 4-(1,3-thiazol-4-yl)-1,2-dihydroxybenzenes. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, Pleiades Publishing Ltd, 2014, 84, p. 268–271. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1070363214020182
  7. Kompanets M.O., Kushch O.V., Litvinov Yu.E., Pliekhov O.L., Novikova K.V., Novokhatko A.O., Shendrik A.N., Vasilyev A.V., Opeida I.O. Oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-diformylfuran with molecular oxygen in the presence of N-hydroxyphthalimide. Catalysis Communications, Elsevier BV, 2014, 57, p. 60-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catcom.2014.08.005
  8. Opeida I. O., Litvinov Yu. E., Kushch O. V., Kompanets M. O., Shendrik O. M. Kinetic Studies of Acenaphthene Oxidation Catalyzed byN-Hydroxyphthalimide. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Wiley, 2013, 45, 8, p. 515-524. https://doi.org/10.1002/kin.20790
  9. Shendrik A. N., Odaryuk I. D., Kanibolotska L. V., Kalinichenko E. A., Tsyapalo A. S., Beznos V. V., Kanibolotsky A. L. Radical formation during phenol oxidation in aqueous media. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Wiley, 2012, 44, 6, p. 414-422. https://doi.org/10.1002/kin.20592
  10. Shendrik A. N., Baranova O. V., Doroshkevich V. S. Estimation of the catalytic activity of onium chlorides and bromides in the alkaline hydrolysis of amino acids esters. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, Pleiades Publishing Ltd, 2012, 48, p. 663–666. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1070428012050053


  1. О. М. Шендрик, В. В. Одарюк, І. Д. Одарюк Радикали і хемілюмінесценція у реакціях фенолів з киснем у воді / Radicals and chemiluminescence in the reactions of phenols with oxygen in water. Вінниця, ТОВ «ТВОРИ», 2018, 176 с. ISBN 978-966-949-076-6, 2018: https://jmonographs.donnu.edu.ua/issue/view/313
  2. В. І. Мельниченко, К. І. Манько, О.М. Шендрик. Полімери на основі фторакрилатів / Fluoroacrylate Based Polymers. Вінниця, ТОВ «ТВОРИ», 2018, 116 с. ISBN 978-617-7706-53-2, 2018: https://jmonographs.donnu.edu.ua/issue/view/312


  1. Ukraine Patent №75488, 10.12.2012 , 2012: Спосіб хемілюмінесцентного визначення поліфенольних сполук водних екстрактів чаю. Лебедкова О.С. Каніболоцька Л.В. Шендрик О.М. http://uapatents.com/5-75488-sposib-khemilyuminescentnogo-viznachennya-polifenolnikh-spoluk-vodnikh-ekstraktiv-chayu.html
  2. Ukraine patent 87109: МПК C07D 277/02, A61P 17/18, A61P 31/04. u201308588; від 27.01.2014, 2014: 4-(1,3-тіазол-4-іл)бензен-1,2-діоли, що проявляють антирадикальні та антибактеріальні властивості. Одарюк В.В., Каніболоцька Л.В., Бураков М.І., Шендрик О.М., Одарюк І.Д., Поддубна О.М., Лебедєва Н.Ю., Каніболоцький О.Л. http://uapatents.com/6-87109-4-13-tiazol-4-ilbenzen-12-dioli-shho-proyavlyayut-antiradikalni-ta-antibakterialni-vlastivosti.html